Tuesday, 20 March 2018

2018 Health Mission - Week 1.

I really struggled with the title for this post - I am once again putting my energy and focus into reducing my weight, but I am really trying to do it differently this time. I want to avoid the negative cycles which I have got stuck in throughout my life (I started dieting when I was around 10, after being told I was fat at 5 years old). I want to avoid the word 'diet' as it puts me in to a specific mindset and immediately I feel deprived and restricted. So, I am going to set myself achievable goals to improve my nutritional intake and fitness levels with the overall aim to lose 9 stone.

I am classed as morbidly obese, although thankfully this has not impacted on my health -yet - I am very aware that I am getting older and the risks of being as heavy as I am are increasing. My eldest son starts school in September and I am acutely aware of how embarrassing I will be for him in my current state!  But, I need to move away from the negative commentary in my head as I believe that if I can feel like I deserve to treat myself well it will lead to a huge improvement in my motivation to lose weight for the long term.

So, this weeks goals are to:

1. Decrease the amount of snacks I consume between meals. I particularly love sweet snacks - biscuits, chocolate, cake...and will happily graze on them all day; so by trying to only have one snack a day I will greatly reduce my overall calorie intake but also by refined sugar consumption.

2. Not eat after my evening meal. I have got into the habit of eating a pudding, or picking at snack food after the kids are in bed. I will try to stop eating by 8pm, unless it is a special occasion. This hopefully simple step will also greatly reduce the calories and refined sugar I consume.

3. Make an effort to educate myself about a topic related to nutrition/weight loss. I figure that this will help to motivate me to stick to my goals by increasing my knowledge about good nutrition.

4. Not weigh myself everyday! This is a bad habit I have slipped into and can set me up for a bad day before I've even brushed my teeth. Monday will be weigh day, and I will use a tape measure to record reductions in inches as well.

I plan to do one post a week related to my 'Health Mission', so I will be back for an update next week - send positive thoughts my way please!!

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